Do you knit or crochet or are interested in learning how?
Anyone young, old, or in between; male or female can participate. Patterns and instructions will be provided.
We meet on the last Sunday of the month from 12pm-1pm, following the 11am Mass. Watch the Sunday Bulletin for additional information!
We also welcome donations of yarn and knitting needles size 10 and larger and crochet hooks size k and larger.
About the Shawls
in 1998, Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo, two graduates of the 1997 Women's Leadership institute at the Hartford Seminary gave birth to a ministry as a result of their experience in this program.
Care and love of knitting (and crochet) have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings are knitted into every shawl. The knitter begins each shawl with prayers for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. When the shawl is completed it is offered a final ritual before being sent along its way.
Some uses for the Shawls
Undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort after a loss, during bereavement, prayer or meditation, commitment or marriage, birthing, nursing a baby; as a bridal shower gift!