Please join us for a Bible study on the letter of James. In the video
pres-entations, James: Pearls for Wise Living study, presenter Jeff Cavins shows how the teachings of James speak to those of us who feel torn be-tween the competing demands of this world and our Faith. Meant to help a fledgling Church live out its Faith in the face of persecution and a world-view opposed to the gospel, in the 11-part James program, you’ll discover wisdom you can apply to the present.
Sessions are Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm in classroom 6 and Thursday mornings at 9:00 am also in classroom 6.
Looking for support and friendship from other Moms who are caring and raising kids? St. Henry Mom's group is a group of Moms that provide support and friendship with each other within our Catholic Faith. Our group meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 10 - 11:30 a.m., Room 8 (parish center) with a few exceptions during the holiday season. We meet to share and discuss the upcoming week's gospel followed by an activity. Join us for our next meetings on March 11th, April 8th and 22nd. Childcare is available. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Are you looking for a way to deepen your faith and build friendships?
The St. Henry Women's Group gathers for faith sharing and a potluck brunch
once a month. We welcome all women (age 18 and older) to join us.
Our next gathering is on March 14, 9-11 AM in the Parish Center (room 8).
Mass and Rosary are also available at 8 a.m. in the parish.
Have you been away from the Catholic Church for a while? Have you ever thought about returning? If so, we would like to welcome you back to St. Henry. We have a special ministry for people just like you who have been away from the Church. Please join us for a six-week series that begins on Monday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m. in classroom #6. We would like to address your questions and make you feel at home once more in the Catholic Church. For more information, please call the parish office and ask for a call back from Mary Hay or Jerry McAfee.
The St. Henry Respect Life Committee will be showing the DVD Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death on Tuesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Following the showing of the hour-long DVD, Dr. William M. Toffler, national director and one of the cofounders of Physicians for Compassionate Care Education Foundation, will be available for questions and answers. Professor Emeritus of the Department of family medicine at OHSU, Dr. Toffler has written papers and given interviews regarding the dangers of physician assisted suicide that have achieved national and international recognition. Dr. Toffler lost his wife several years ago after a years-long illness, and can give personal testimony regarding providing loving support to a dying loved one.